Upcoming OG Trainings
Associate Level
Classroom Educator
Associate Level Training
This 70 hour course is designed to train teachers, therapists, and those interested in the evidence-based, scientifically researched approach that is Orton Gillingham. This approach is good for all but essential for those who struggle to read, write and spell, especially those with language-based learning differences like dyslexia. The course includes classroom instruction, videos, hands-on activities, student observations, lesson planning, material creation, readings, quizzes, and a final exam. Participants will be provided with the components of the Orton-Gillingham approach as well as learn the basic phonetic/linguistic structures of English. This course addresses the “Big Five” of phonemic awareness, phonics instruction, vocabulary instruction, fluency, and text comprehension.
The course registration includes the practicum. The supervised practicum is a minimum of 100 hours over an eight month period with ten Fellow observations. The practicum is required for the Associate level certification through the OGA.
Upcoming Training Dates
June 16th-20th and 23rd-26th
8:30am - 3:30pm EST
online via Zoom
$3,200 (coursework and practicum included)
Classroom Educator Level Training
The Classroom Educator level course is 30 hours of coursework. The Orton-Gillingham Classroom Educator coursework provides the participant with skills and the principles of the Orton-Gillingham Approach to provide and modify literacy instruction in the classroom or small groups.
This is a 30 hour course taught in five live six hour sessions. Topics Covered: The Rational of the Orton-Gillingham Approach The Science of Reading How the Brain Learns to Read The Alphabetic Principle Grapheme - Phoneme Correspondences Syllable Types and Syllable Division Spelling Generalizations Creating OG Lesson Plans The Essential Elements of the OG Approach Informal Assessments All coursework and practicum follow the curriculum set forth by the Orton Gillingham Academy.
The course registration includes the practicum. The supervised practicum is a minimum of 50 hours over an eight month period with five Fellow observations. The practicum is required for the Classroom Educator level.
Upcoming Training Dates
July 28-31 & August 1
8:30am - 3:o0pm EST
online via Zoom
$1,700 (coursework and practicum included)

Training for your School